Through our Community Impact Award program, Soroptimist International of Hutchinson (SI Hutch) honors high school senior females for volunteer service to their community and provides them with $500.00 awards. In addition, we give a matching $250.00 donation to the local non-profit organization of their choice.
SI Hutch Club Objectives:
- To pursue the vision that women and girls have the resources to reach their full potential, and
- to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.
Application Form
Jane Holzrichter at
Or mail to Soroptimist International of Hutchinson, Box 2668, Hutchinson, KS 67504
2024 Community Action Award Winners
We had the great pleasure of awarding two high school seniors with our 2024 SI Volunteer Community Impact Award. Each senior received $500 to further their education and $250 towards the charity of their choice.
Our winners this year were Karley Keast and Lauren Andringa. Karley will be attending the HCC nursing program next year and chose Reins of Hope as her charity. Lauren will be attending K-State to become a Physician’s Assistant and chose Rice County Council on Aging and Quivira Transit as her charities.
We wish these young women the absolute best on their education journey and know we will see great things from them. Congratulations, Karley and Lauren!

2022 Community Action Award Winners
The winners of the 2022 Community Impact Award were Fairfield High School graduated senior Kayley Brown, who will be attending Hutchinson Community College then to Wichita State University to major in chemistry, and Brecken Philbrick, who recently graduated from Hutchinson High School. Congratulations to these amazing young women who already have served their schools, churches, and communities in ways that truly have made a difference. We know they will make outstanding leaders in the future as they pursue their education and careers.