MOMMY & ME DANCE February 22, 2025

Live Your Dream Applications Due

SI Hutch is offering a $1000.00 Live Your Dream award to a Reno County woman who provides the primary source of financial support for her family to give her the resources she needs to improve her education, skills, and employment prospects. The flyer and web page link below provide more details. Application deadline is November 15, 2022.  


A federal holiday observed the fourth Thursday in November by act of Congress (1941), it was the first such national proclamation issued by President Lincoln in 1863, on the urging of Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, editor of Godey's Lady's Book. Most Americans believe that the holiday dates back to the day of thanks ordered by Governor Bradford of Plymouth Colony in New England in 1621, but scholars point out that...

Santa Sacks Stuffing

Hutchinson High School Technology Building 800 15th Circle, Hutchinson, KS, United States

At 1:00 pm  we will be stuffing Santa Sacks with items for children in our community, Please join us in the Hutch High Tech Building Event Center.

Holiday Party and Business Meeting

Rebecca's House 127 East Avenue B, Hutchinson, KS, United States

This month our social meeting will be our annual holiday party along with a short business meeting at Rebecca's, 127 East Avenue B. Join us for some Christmas fun with games, snacks, and fellowship!