MOMMY & ME DANCE February 22, 2025


A federal holiday observed the fourth Thursday in November by act of Congress (1941), it was the first such national proclamation issued by President Lincoln in 1863, on the urging of Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, editor of Godey's Lady's Book. Most Americans believe that the holiday dates back to the day of thanks ordered by Governor Bradford of Plymouth Colony in New England in 1621, but scholars point out that...

Social Meeting

Our social meetings are held at noon on the 4nd Monday of each month, September through May, with time and place to be announced when available.   Come join us for fun and fellowship!

Holiday Party and Business Meeting

This month our social meeting will be our annual holiday party along with a short business meeting. Join us for some Christmas fun with games, snacks, and fellowship! Time and place to be announced.

Event Series Christmas


The most widely celebrated holiday of the Christian year, Christmas is observed as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus. Christmas customs are centuries old. The mistletoe, for example, comes from the Druids, who, in hanging the mistletoe, hoped for peace and good fortune. Comparatively recent is the Christmas tree, first set up in Germany in the 17th century. Colonial Manhattan Islanders introduced the name Santa Claus, a corruption of...